guestNotAllowedErr - destination port requires authentication badLocNameErr - location name malformed badServiceMethodErr - illegal service type, or not supported noUserRecErr - Invalid user reference number authFailErr - unable to authenticate user at destination noInformErr - PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending networkErr - An error has occured in the network, not too likely noUserRefErr - unable to create a new userRefNum notLoggedInErr - The default userRefNum does not yet exist noDefaultUserErr - user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel badPortNameErr - PPCPortRec malformed sessClosedErr - session was closed portClosedErr - port was closed noResponseErr - unable to contact destination noToolboxNameErr - A system resource is missing, not too likely noMachineNameErr - user hasn't named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel userRejectErr - Destination rejected the session request noUserNameErr - user name unknown on destination machine portNameExistsErr - port is already open (perhaps in another app) badReqErr - bad parameter or invalid state for operation noSessionErr - Invalid session reference number sessTableErr - Out of session tables, try again later destPortErr - Port does not exist at destination localOnlyErr - Network activity is currently disabled noGlobalsErr - The system is hosed, better re-boot noPortErr - Unable to open port or bad portRefNum nameTypeErr - Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName notInitErr - PPCToolBox not initialized